Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The American public school system

There has been a lot of talk lately about the American school system and about why it is failing.  What do you think about the American school system? what do you think really needs to change?

As a current college student I am speaking out as someone who as recently been out of public school. Honestly adults NEED to listen to some of their children's suggestions. If a child is telling you that they feel like they can not wake up at 6 o'clock and then spend 7 or 8 hours sitting in school all day then listen to them. (obviously don't listen to them if they say there should be no more homework)

 In my old public school the reason why everyone skipped first period was because they wanted to sleep in. The days where we had some sort of a delay, those were the days mostly everyone showed up. YOUR child is the one that has to endure whatever the school board decides so if they are telling you they don't like something try to reason with them and see their side of things. Being in school for 7 hours a day used to give me massive headaches because the only break we had was a 20 minute lunch break. If only we could have some time to get some fresh air besides lunch and take our mind off of school for a few minutes.

Honestly I feel like one of the BIGGEST problems in American schools is the fact that students are forced to wake up so early. Studies have shown that if a child receives more sleep they will do better overall. There is a school in New Jersey that has there schools start only 30 min later and student attendance, grades and overall attention span during the school day has dramatically improved (search it up, they have worked around parents work schedules and everything!)
Links to pages that talk more about the schools in New Jersey and schools starting later in general:
If the school day begins at least 30 minutes later then students overall performance will dramatically improve. Also I feel like public schools need a more structured way of teaching. The reason why I was never able to learn math was because it got so confusing when every teacher contradicting each other and telling you to do different methods. If Public school curriculum could be more structured and instead of teachers doing things very differently then I feel like students will also have a better grasp on the material being taught to them year after year.

Also a lot of people are complaining that asian students are better than our students over here then what is so hard about looking at what they do differently then trying to do something similar to them?

Also a list of things I feel would dramatically improve students education
1. better classrooms or at least better desks
2. a late start (even 30 min. would make a big difference)
3. better pay for the teachers
4. less concentration on standardized testing. Instead of teaching students material so they can pass a standardized test, teach them for knowledge, teach them so they will learn something and so that they can better themselves in the future
5. More funding for public schools!

Also if our government can afford to WASTE money on exclusive vacations to exclusive resorts and also waste money on pointless things like making signs that say "putting america to work",  Then how come we CAN'T afford to invest in our children's education?

If politicians and other wealthy people can afford to spend thousands and millions of their own money towards a campaign, then how come they can't donate some money to a public school?

If the taxpayers spoke out more against our governments wasteful spending then maybe there would be a little less waste. Its not just that the country doesn't have money, there is a lot of wasteful spending going on that people don't realize